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A Year to Find My Passion

October 9, 2009

I was having a conversation with my hubby a few weeks ago and he commented on how he wishes that he could do a lot of the things that I do, paint, write, decorate. He also commented that he wishes he could learn as fast as I do.

“I would be a millionaire several times over if I had your talent.” he commented while shaking his head.

“I know that I am good at a lot of things,” I replied, “I just get bored very easily. I really don’t have a passion for anything.”

Well, you would have thought that I had said that I didn’t believe in God, or that I was planning on setting the house on fire.

My hubby was literally floored. He couldn’t understand how I have lived for 39 years and not have a passion for anything.

“You have to be passionate about something!” He exclaimed rather passionately.

“Nope! There is absolutely nothing that I have done that I want to keep doing forever or for any length of time for that matter. Everything that I do gets boring after a while. That is just the way I am. That doesn’t mean something is wrong with me.” I said rather defensively.

“Lady, you have a year to find your passion.” He declared.


“You heard me, you have whole year to figure out what you’re passionate about.”

I guess I should explain. Sometimes the Army deploys its employees overseas, in case you didn’t know. And my hubby is not exempt. He has been gone for almost a month. His deployment is for a year give or take a month or two and he thought this would be the perfect time for me to “find my passion.” As if being an Army wife isn’t enough work.

So what is my passion? More important, why don’t I have one? Is there something wrong with me? Or am I like a lot of people who are content with moving from idea to idea and never settling on any one thing?

Is it design, art, singing? Who knows? I like all of those things, but would I do any of them for a living? Would I be okay if I never did any of them again? For many years, I thought it was my family, my kids, my household. But kids don’t stay forever. They leave and start lives and pursue passions of their own.

Whatever the case, I have a year, give or take a few days to figure it out. To figure me out. So why do I just want to pull the covers up over my head and hide out in the safety and tranquility of my bed for the next 360 plus days? Now that is something I can be passionate about.

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