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In General, the World is Filled With A**holes!

July 6, 2010

It seems that over the last year, I encounter assholes or people with asshole tendencies from the moment I leave my house until I arrive back home to the solitude of my bedroom. Of course, that is only if I don’t turn on the television or go on the internet. And it seems that out of all of the places that I have lived, Northern Virginia has the highest asshole rate per capita (Olympia/Tumwater, Washington has the least) but believe me, they are everywhere. It is absolutely ridiculous and at this point I feel  that although talking about it may make me an asshole too, I most definitely need to speak on it.

Before I speak on specific asshole behavior that generally drives me crazy, I must point out that a big part of the problem is that people don’t realize or don’t want to realize that they are actually doing something wrong, that they have extremely bad manners and are very uncouth, and in some extreme cases, shouldn’t be allowed in the company of civilized people. I also must acknowledge that some people might be put off by the term asshole. I can understand that. One may just want to refer to them as rude, or ill-mannered, but for me, that doesn’t seem to quite cover it. I would imagine that “Sean Puff Daddy P-Diddy Combs” would call it Bitchassness, which was a title consideration but my mother is probably already rolling over in her grave at the thought that I included Ass in the title, add the word Bitch and she would probably come back to strangle me. And of course there are those that would put it mildly and say that people are just being jerks. But for me asshole pretty much describes people who don’t seem to give a damn about how they treat other people. And just to call them asses would insult donkeys so the hole makes it animal friendly and gives it just the right bite. In any case, I am sure that some clergy-people, older relatives, and my holy roller friends will have a big problem with my word choice and out of respect, I will refrain from calling them a**holes…in public. But I have seriously, seriously digressed.

There have been many classes on charm and books written by people on how to act, from those who have attended West Point to a Countess from a popular reality tv show. But I think that these things don’t often work because they are too nice in their execution, and frankly, when speaking to an asshole, you have to be a little more blunt and straightforward.  In addition, sometimes people need to realize what they are doing wrong before they can understand how to do things right.  They need a picture book that illustrates, do this…not that!! I mean, let’s be honest, real live, true assholes are obviously not very bright or else they wouldn’t be rude to restaurant servers who have the ability to put “the special sauce” in their food.  So although calling people out for their assholishness may be blunt and…well assholish…being passive aggressive has an air of assholishness to it too, and I just refuse to do it here. If you’re an asshole, you’re an asshole. I’m not going to apologize for pointing it out.

So anyway,  I am breaking it down, because there are just too many assholes in the world, and maybe if those of us who are nice people, who speak to others in elevators, who clean up after our dogs on the street, and who hold the door open for the person behind us would speak up and say, “ENOUGH ASSHOLE!” we can reduce the rate of assholes that are taking up all the space in the world or at least give them a small taste of their own medicine.

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